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On Air Now

Dominic Carter
M-F 3-4PM, M-F 12-1AM, Sun 11PM-12PM,

On Air Now

Dominic Carter
M-F 3-4PM, M-F 12-1AM, Sun 11PM-12PM,

January 8, 2020

On Wednesdays Mark Levin show, The constitution is not a libertarian or populist document, as Mike Lee and Rand Paul would like it to be. We shouldnt interpret the constitution ideologically, we need to attempt to decern what the framers meant at the time. The idea that you need a declaration of war to protect our troops from Iran is absurd. Also, its time for a part-time congress because they want to handcuff President Trump in current and future military strikes with a war powers resolution to limit his actions with Iran. Later, thanks to oil companies and our capitalist system we are now energy independent. Now that we are independent democrats are attacking oil again. This time they are creating too much oil and it’s affecting our environment and climate change.


George Washington and the Evolution of the American Commander in Chief

Right Scoop
“THIS IS INSULTING!” – Mike Lee ANGRY over todays briefing on Iran

First Barbary War
Official Declarations of War by Congress

Fox News
Pelosi says House will vote Thursday on War Powers Resolution to limit Trump’s actions with Iran

Chuck Todd Rants: Trump ‘Ham-Handedly Tried to Politicize Iran Speech

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Washington Examiner
GOP senator: ‘Trumps stock level is at an all-time high

FLASHBACK: Only ‘Cynical ‘Traitors Questioned Clintons Military Strike During Impeachment

Washington Free Beacon
Warren, Sanders Hosting Call With Pro-Tehran Lobby Group

Washington Free Beacon
Warren: U.S. Will Build No New Houses or Buildings Unless Carbon Neutral

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

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