Seesaw's Lodge is the place to go in Vermont for a family bonding getaway! Located in Bromley, VT, there is so much to do in the area including activities for all season. Michelle and her family visited in the summertime and visited the Bromley Adventure Park, Bromley Market, Emerald Lake and went kayaking with Goodie Two Sue's. Seesaw’s Lodge consists of three luxurious cabins and a seven-bedroom Lodge with mountain views, all recently rebuilt with modern comforts in an old-world Vermont setting. The Lodge, formally known as the Ski Loft Residence, includes six spacious suites and an Innkeeper’s quarters, each inspired by a local tree. This rustic retreat has been carefully crafted, incorporating the inn’s rich history and unique character. Michelle talks with one of the owners, Jay Eastman, who recounts the history of the property, which is quite remarkable!
Amazon is hiring a lot of employees this season! Amazon will hire full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees in record numbers this year with signing bonuses in select areas. The company plans to hire 250,000 employees throughout the U.S. in full-time, part-time and seasonal roles. Amazon VP of People eXperience and Technology for Global Operations, J. Ofori Agboka, talks about hiring and how the company is hoping higher wages and bonuses up to $3,000 will bring more qualified employees.