Natalie Kienzler, 5, of Toulouse, France enjoys a hot dog at the Illinois State Fair on Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024.
© Thomas J. Turney/The State Journal-Register / USA TODAY NETWORK
(Las Vegas, NV) – In New York City, when we think of hot dog eating contests, most typically it’s on the Fourth of July. But here on Labor Day — in Sin City — gluttony will be on full display and two titans of the competitive eating circuit will renew their rivalry.
The “Unfinished Beef” competition will be livestreamed on Netflix from Las Vegas, Nevada. It pits all-time greats Joey Chestnut against Takeru Kobayashi — who have not competed against each other in 15 years. The contest will see who can win the most hot dogs in ten minutes time.
There are some differences from the well-known Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest, held every summer on Coney Island. In this Netflix competition, competitors are not allowed to dunk the dogs and buns in water. In fact, the bun and meat may not be separated during the contest.