A steam pipe ruptured overnight on December 27, 2023, causing asbestos concerns.
© Jenny Berg, jberg@stcloudtimes.com + © Shelley Mays /Tennessean
(New York, NY) – New York City officials say the air quality appears to be safe for now, after a Con-Edison steam pipe ruptured early Wednesday morning on the east side of Manhattan. It happened near 2:00 AM at 52nd Street and Second Avenue. Steam, dust, and debris went spewing into the air, covering cars in the area. City officials set up a containment and contamination area that blocked off traffic and pedestrians.
People living in the area are able to get into their homes, but they are asked to close their windows — out of an abundance of caution. The steam pipe’s cause remains under investigation. City officials, including members of the NYPD, are helping to hand out N-95 masks. No injuries were reported as a result of the pipe’s bursting. It’s expected the cleanup process will take several days to complete.