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Saturday 10AM-1PM

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Larry Kudlow Show
Saturday 10AM-1PM

Show of Support From Ukrainians in NYC Builds Homeland Fights off Russia


© The Journal News-USA TODAY NETWO

NEW YORK (77WABC) — Ukrainians in New York City are marching in solidarity for fellow Ukrainians under attack by Russia.

Members of the U.S.-based non-profit Razom for Ukraine are organizing medical supplies and helping to train civilian medics as part of a country-wide effort to repel the Russian military. Board member Maria Genkin told The Independent the organization has raised $70,000 in recent days with Ukrainians around the world getting behind efforts to support the native homeland.

“As volunteers we’re looking for ways to source it and bring it into the country,” Genkin said. “We’re pooling all of our resources and helping the boots on the ground.”

Genkin said army veterans she had worked with to help transition into new careers were now being recalled to their military units to take up arms against the Russians, and that the Ukrainian diaspora around the world was getting behind the war effort.

Genkin’s husband Dmitriy says they will no longer teach their two children Aaron and Dasha their mother tongue.

“It’s time to stop speaking Russian,” he said. “So much effort has been spent on passing the language to the children, and for what? On the other hand, it is important to know the language of the enemy.”

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