Happy July 4th


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWy075gy1W0 Happy Independence Day, America! July 4th is a day to reflect that common values, goals & challenges are things that make the United States great. And additionally any differences in them, make us greater. This stirring

Suffolk County Issues Huge Beach Shutdown


SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY—-(77WABC) Dozens of beaches on Long Island have been shut down due to high levels of bacteria. Suffolk County shut down swimming at 64 beaches due to high levels of bacteria from recent storm water

FDA OK’s Vaccine Batch From Skeptical Plant


NEW YORK—-(77WABC) The FDA has authorized the controversial Baltimore Johnson and Johnson plant to ship more of their vaccines. Earlier this year, regulators stopped the site from producing the vaccines over quality concerns. However, the FDA just

Nathan’s Hot Dog Contest Prepares Its Triumphant Return


CONEY ISLAND —– (77WABC) Some of the world’s elite eaters are preparing to make the live comeback they’ve been waiting for at the annual Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating-Contest All eyes are on