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The Rita Cosby Show

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The Rita Cosby Show

Tide has turned from “Defund the Police,” back to Law and Order


Race for NYC Mayor: Tide has turned from “Defund the Police,” back to Law and Order

Just days ago, on WABC Radio, I was interviewing one of the leading Democratic Candidates for Mayor. Something Brooklyn Borough Eric Adams said, stayed with me. It was sad, but not surprising. This is after all the demoralizing Big Apple of 2021. We are all afraid New York will erode back to the bad days of the past.

“I was on the train the other day Dominic, someone was barbecuing on the train!!! We have reached a point where any…and everything goes in this city!!! RV’s driving up and down sidewalks recklessly. The over- proliferation of handguns. Open defecation. Open urinating. People are injecting themselves right on front of the schools of our children. You can’t run a city like this!!!” Mayoral Candidate Eric Adams

Not too long ago, all the Democrats running for mayor were clamoring over each other to denounce the NYPD. They are trying to pull a Bill Deblasio, working his way up in a crowded Democratic field. Yes, democratic voters veer more to the left in primaries, But this “Defund the Police” movement, is nothing more than pandering 101. An argument was silly from the first time I heard it. Just as foolish as the bail reform that has been so outrageous, that has caused a backlash.

For Months, in this race for Mayor, “Defund the Police,” amounted too which candidate could yell such nonsense the loudest. Red Meat for the base, on the far, far, far left, You know, the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez crowd. The problem is the criminals heard the same Defund the Police and Bail Reform arguments.

Now Defund the Police is losing steam as crime goes up in New York and around the country. It is reckless, dangerous, and doing nothing more than further adding to the demoralization of our Police Officers.

“Defund the Police,” and Bail Reform, a powerful 1-2 punch in the worst possible way, would almost be laughable if it wasn’t so sad. It is amazing how much a crime wave, and high-profile attacks in Times Square, can get these candidates to see the true light of day. The tide, and rightfully so, has turned back to Law and Order. The top democrats from Eric Adams, to Andrew Yang, Kathryn Garcia, and others are talking about really fighting crime and the criminals, and not fighting our police officers… It’s only common sense. We desperately need our police.

Also Post-Covid, Law and Order is the only way New York can return to prosperity.

If further reforms are needed, we should cross that bridge when we get there. However what society should not engage in, is to further demoralize our Police who already have an impossible job.

Dare I venture to say that if you polled the silent majority, (African American, White, Latino, Asian American) they would tell you we need our law enforcement, This Defund the Police slogan is not even worthy of a bumper sticker. It’s 15 minutes are up. Add Bail Reform to that as well. Bye-Bye.

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