AMC’s 42nd st. movie theatre (Anthony Behar/Sipa USA)
NY: AMC Entertainment Holdings Records $2.2 Billion Net Loss Under COVID-19 Pandemic
NEW YORK (AP) — The nation’s largest movie theater chain, will reopen in the US on August 20 with retro ticket prices of 15 cents per movie.
AMC Entertainment said Thursday that it expects to open the doors to more than 100 cinemas — or about a sixth of its nationwide locations — on Aug. 20 with throwback pricing for a day.
AMC theaters have reopened in numerous international countries but have remained shuttered in the US since March. The chain touted the reopening as “Movies in 2020 at 1920 Prices.”
Regal Cinemas, the second largest chain, is to reopen some US locations on Aug. 21.
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