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Dick Morris Show Presented by Patriot Gold Group
Sundays from 12-2PM

On Air Now

Dick Morris Show Presented by Patriot Gold Group
Sundays from 12-2PM

November 14, 2019

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Speaker Pelosi, who introduced a secret whistleblower and is now hiding that same whistleblower. Yet she’s still blaming President Trump for needing foreign help to win an election when the Democrats can’t even put up a single candidate that they can all rally around. Pelosi compares Trump to Nixon, but they forget to look at the transgressions of F.D.R., J.F.K, L.B.J. and President Obama — compared to them Trump has been a boy scout during his time in office! Later, Rep. Jim Jordan calls in to explain how flawed the democrats allegations are and stated that the so-called whistleblower, that “he is not entitled to anonymity when you’re talking about impeaching the President Of The United States, the American people deserve to hear from the whistleblower and let him raise his right hand and swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Jordan went on to say that the Democrats may be basing the speed and timing of this inquiry purely on political expediency. Also, the ethics committee released messages showing Rep Rashida Tlaib asking her campaign for personal money. Finally, Gianno Caldwell calls in to discuss his new book, Taken for Granted: How Conservatism Can Win Back the Americans That Liberalism Failed.


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The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Chip Somodevilla

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