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Saturday Nights with Tony Orlando
Saturday 10PM-12AM

On Air Now

Saturday Nights with Tony Orlando
Saturday 10PM-12AM

May 24, 2019

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Memorial Day is a time to honor all of the brave men and women that made the ultimate sacrifice to serve this country. During the American Civil War, our nation lost 750,000 Americans, in WW2 we had over 400,000 deaths. This is why we should be angry when people trash America. Also, in his continued effort to provide transparency President Trump has given the green light to AG William Barr to declassify everything so that the American People can see how the Russian collusion hoax was perpetrated against him. Later, we need to send a message to the media that we are a movement; the new Thomas Payne’s. We’re going to spread the word, just like the Reagan revolution and the Tea Party, that we want our freedom of the press back. The Democrats have to stop fighting against the principles that matter to us. True freedom of speech will prevail long past our modern media. Finally, Rep Chip Roy calls in to discuss his no vote of the $19 billion disaster relief bill. He opposed it because it did nothing to address the emergency at the southern border.


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The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Alex Wong

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