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Common Sense with Bill O’Reilly
Weeknights 9-10PM

On Air Now

Common Sense with Bill O’Reilly
Weeknights 9-10PM

June 11, 2019

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Joe Biden is feeble yet he says he will eviscerate President Trump in his Iowa speech. Trump fired back that the do-nothing Democrats in Congress keep talking about impeachment with no case. Trump said he prefers to run against Biden than the others because Biden is the weakest, mentally, of the 2020 candidates. In his comments, Biden referred to Trump as an existential threat to the United States. Biden has never called out the anti-Semites in his party yet projects their own actions on others, painting Trump as a bigot. Biden says Trump is wrong to call media Fake News and has flip-flopped on so many issues over the last 50 years. Then, Sen Elizabeth Warren keeps moving further and further to the left. She wants to reshape the American economy, but what she will do is destroy the economy. Democrats want to replace republicanism with mobocracy. Later, Trump is now facing blowback from GOP lawmakers over the budget and debt ceiling.


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The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Joshua Lott

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