(Oxford, UK) — Once again, the world’s happiest country is Finland. The World Happiness Report is out with its annual list of the happiest countries on Earth, and for the eighth year in a row Finland is ranked number one. Scandinavian countries dominate the list this year, with Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden all making the top ten. The U.S. once again failed to make the top ten, and actually fell this year from number 23 to 24 on the list. The bottom five on the list include Afghanistan. They are dead last again this year. Sierra Leone, Lebanon, Malawi, Zimbabwe complete the bottom five.
The World Happiness Report uses statistical analysis to determine the world’s happiest countries. Researchers analyze comprehensive Gallup polling data, looking closely at six particular categories, including gross domestic product per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, and freedom to make your own life choices.
World’s 20 happiest countries in 2025
1. Finland
2. Denmark
3. Iceland
4. Sweden
5. Netherlands
6. Costa Rica
7. Norway
8. Israel
9. Luxembourg
10. Mexico
11. Australia
12. New Zealand
13. Switzerland
14. Belgium
15. Ireland
16. Lithuania
17. Austria
18. Canada
19. Slovenia
20. Czech Republic