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See the Eclipse, but Please Protect Your Eyes!


It is very important to wear approved eye protection ahead of the April 8 total solar eclipse. Eclipse glasses can be ordered online, whole some local stores and libraries have them - sometimes for free.

(New York, NY) – A week from Monday, on April 8, New York will be in the path of totality when a total eclipse takes place. But to safely view the once-in-a-lifetime event, you need special glasses. According to the American Astronomical Society, there are plenty of fake or counterfeit eclipse glasses out there. The real ones are designed to block out almost all visible light. Using cheap knockoffs is dangerous and could result in blindness.

When it all happens on April 8, the moon will pass directly in front of the sun, blocking out almost all light for a few minutes. Animals will begin behaving strangely, as they get confused and start thinking its nighttime. Traffic on New York’s highways and byways will also likely be affected, with so many eclipse tourists coming into the region. If you head to the American Astronomical Society’s website, they’ve listed reputable makers of eclipse eye protection.

Upward of 32 million Americans will be able to take in the eclipse from where they live. If you’re a New Yorker in need of special eclipse glasses, you’re in luck. The New York, Brooklyn, and Queens Public Library systems have them on hand. You can grab a pair at library branches while supplies last.

So, the countdown is on for 3:16 PM, Monday April 8. You don’t want to miss it, because the next solar eclipse in New York won’t be until 2079.

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