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Biden picks Rahm Emanuel to be ambassador to Japan


Courtesy: AP

NEW YORK (77WABC) President Biden will be nominating Rahm Emanuel to be the ambassador to Japan.  This, according to a White House statement.

Rahm Emanuel, who was also a senior adviser to President Bill Clinton, said he was honored for the nomination.  Emanuel is a former lawmaker who also served as Chief of Staff to President Obama and as mayor of Chicago

Emanuel, 61, headed the finance committee for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992 and later served as a senior adviser to Clinton on policy and strategy. He was Obama’s chief of staff for over a year before resigning to run for election as mayor of Chicago.

The White House highlighted Emanuel’s work on revitalizing Chicago, which hosted the 2012 NATO summit and led the country in attracting foreign direct investment for six consecutive years. He is currently national chair of the Advisory Council of Youth Guidance’s Becoming a Man (BAM) mentoring program.

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