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Cousin Brucie’s Saturday Night Rock ‘n’ Roll Party
Saturday 6-10PM

On Air Now

Cousin Brucie’s Saturday Night Rock ‘n’ Roll Party
Saturday 6-10PM

Helping Martha the Homeless Woman on Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday and the Guardian Angels are feeding and cleaning up the homeless and EDP’s who are EVERYWHERE.  Here is Martha who has lived in Penn Station for 4 years.  She is dramatically disturbed to the point where she can only now speak in gibberish.

I remember her 4 years ago when you could have a somewhat normal conversation with her.  Living in Penn Station has aged her dramatically and caused her to move into the TWILIGHT ZONE.  Her legs were infected and in need or medical attention.  None of it would be provided by the city or state that acts normally as if these fellow citizens of ours don’t even exist.

I helped her clean her own legs with the alcohol solution and then nourished her ravished body.  At the rate that Martha is deteriorating she will soon be in a pine box buried in Potters Field “Heart Island.” She is someone’s daughter, she has a family, but her mind is so damaged that it is impossible to recover that information from her.

On this Easter Sunday we should all look at her and ask ourselves how in the richest country in the world with such enormous resources in a city that is the economic engine for the whole world that we allow Martha to wallow in her feces and urine and act as if she doesn’t exist.  Shame on all of us – Where is the humanity?  It was bad before the way we would ignore these fallen people but now the spread of coronavirus gives us a chance to close our eyes and run away.

We, the Guardian Angels, will not forsake the forgotten.

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