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Mark Levin
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Mark Levin
Weekdays 6-9PM

Panda-monium in Washington, DC!


Two Chinese giant pandas have taken up residency at The National Zoo in Washington DC. They will go on public display after being given a few weeks to adjust to their new surroundings. October 15, 2024.

(Washington, DC) – The National Zoo in Washington, DC once again has a pair of Chinese giant pandas taking up residence. Both animals departed China on Monday and then arrived in the US capital, where they will eventually be on public display.

The pandas are three years old. Bao Li and Qing Bao are among the newest residents of the DMV. This comes after the National Zoo has been without pandas for nearly a year. Their previous pair of pandas were returned to China in November 2023. The Smithsonian announced that the National Zoo was being closed Tuesday to prep for the panda’s arrival.

After the previous pandas were returned last year, 77 WABC owner-operator John Catsamatidis expressed interest in helping bring Chinese giant pandas to a zoo in New York City. He discussed the importance of learning about new cultures and the way in which beautiful species of animals can help facilitate that.

If you’re planning to take a trip to Washington, DC in order to see the pandas, don’t rush. They will be kept away from the public view for several weeks while they acclimate to their new surroundings.

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