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The Greg Kelly Show
Weekdays 1-3PM

No one knew a Harlem woman had kids


© The Record-USA TODAY NETWORK via

(New York, NY) — A Harlem mom is facing a judge today after being charged with the death of her 4-year-old son. Police say they found little Jahmeik Modlin’s lifeless body in his mother’s apartment on Sunday. They say he look to be malnourished. Modlin’s mother, Nytavia Ragsdale, was cuffed by cops and charged with criminally negligent homicide and endangering the welfare of a child.

Ragsdale’s neighbors say they had no idea the 29-year-old had four kids, all under 10-year-old in her apartment on Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard. No one could recall seeing her with children by her side. They say she looked unkempt when she walked the streets.

Ragsdale’s three other children are now in the care of family members.



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