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Sid & Friends in the Morning
Weekdays 6:00-10AM

Would You Throw a Divorce Party?


An online invitations company says there has been an increase in the number of so-called divorce parties. September 10, 2024.

(New York, NY) – Celebrating a wedding is commonplace. The big parties with the cocktail hour and reception cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases. Extravagant invitations are printed, bands and DJs are hired, and caterers provide fine foods — with an open bar, of course.

But what happens when weddings are long over, and the marriage comes to an end? When couples are finished and call it quits — do they also fete the divorce? According to an online invitation company, yes. An increasing number of people are opting to throw a so-called “divorce party” to mark their new chapter.

Evite, a company that organizes parties online and offers electronic invitations, says the bulk of divorce parties are thrown by women. Some say the parties indicate pride in the split up, or at least the decision made, as opposed to shame.

The Pew Research Center has conducted studies surrounding the divorce issue. Their findings show more than 50% of US adults stay in “bad” marriages for “too long.” A whopping 71% of respondents say having an enjoyable job or career is important to having a “fulfilling” life — while only 23% say the same thing about marriage. Many experts say Americans views on marriage and divorce are becoming less rigid than say 30 or 40 years ago.

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