Costumed revelers participating in a Caribbean parade, Aug. 27, 2023.
© Margaret Smith/Worcester Magazine Staff / USA TODAY NETWORK
(Brooklyn, NY) – Annual J’ouvert celebrations are underway in Brooklyn. The celebration of the Caribbean isles and its people takes place every year during the overnight and early morning hours on Labor Day. In past years the event has been plagued by shootings and other violence, leading to a stepped up security and NYPD presence.
Cops have been using drones and metal-detector wands to screen participants. Upward of 3,000 NYPD officers were deployed by officials. By mid-morning, J’ouvert celebrations will have peaked in most spots. DJs, calypso, and soca bands are among the festivities. Many participants wear colorful costumes and body paint. The sounds of steel drums and sights of waving Caribbean flags are common.
Around 10:00 AM the West Indian Day Parade will step off along Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights. Security will remain tight through that event.
Last year, the NYPD said major crimes were down 9% throughout Labor Day weekend at at J’ouvert. A drone was used to respond to a “problematic incident” in Crown Heights.