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Cousin Brucie’s Saturday Night Rock ‘n’ Roll Party
Saturday 6-10PM

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Cousin Brucie’s Saturday Night Rock ‘n’ Roll Party
Saturday 6-10PM

Cops Thwart Shooting of Woman in Brooklyn


(Brooklyn, NY) – Cops say they may have helped save a woman from being shot this weekend in Brooklyn. It was around 3:30 AM on Sunday morning when two detectives with the Bronx narcotics squad say they spotted the guy pointing a gun at the woman. They had been assigned to Brownsville, to patrol a high-crime area.

The cops approached the man who took off and ran — tossing the gun aside while he did. They took off on foot, and were joined in the chase by separate cops in a car. That cop car was able to cut off the suspect and hit him, causing injuries. He’s now recovering in the hospial.

Also this weekend in Bushwick, a separate man was shot dead by cops. In that incident, a 26-year-old man tapped the officer’s car. He was allegedly holding two knives. Cops deployed a taser but the man got back up — still holding one of the knives. That’s when officers opened fire, striking the man and killing him.

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