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Brian Kilmeade
Weekdays 10AM-Noon

On Air Now

Brian Kilmeade
Weekdays 10AM-Noon

UFO spotted near LaGuardia Airport


(New York, NY) — A woman taking a flight out of LaGuardia Airport says she took video of a silver shaped object flying in the sky next to her plane last month. Michelle Reyes say the saucer like object was flying very close to the aircraft. She says she immediately sent the video to the FAA, worried that the object could cause an accident in the skies. Reyes has never heard back from the FAA. A second woman on the same March 25th flight says she too spotted the unidentified object in the sky.

The Mutual UFO Network says it has seen the footage of the flying object. They say there is no way it’s a helicopter, drone or weather balloon. They also say the video itself has not been tampered with in any way.

The FAA says they did not receive any reports of any mysterious objects in the sky from pilots on March 25th. They did not say if they were going to do a deeper dive on the video they received from Reyes.



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