A dead humpback whale is shown along the surfline at 51st Street in Long Beach Township Thursday morning, April 11, 2024. © Thomas P. Costello/Asbury Park Press / USA TODAY NETWORK
Syndication: Asbury Park Press
(Long Beach Island, NJ) — Another whale has washed up down the Jersey Shore, this time on Long Beach Island. The 30-foot humpback was hauled away by the Marine Mammal Stranding Center Thursday to perform a necropsy. Animal activists are asking again, who so many dead whales continue to end up on Tri-State area beaches. 30 of those deaths have been in New Jersey since 2016. 219 whales have died in the last nine years. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the whales deaths are unusual, but they are unclear what is causing them.
Some New Jersey residents say they are convinced that wind farms being built offshore are somehow contributing to the whale deaths. Government agencies have pushed back against that idea.