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The Other Side of Midnight with Frank Morano
Overnight 1-5AM

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The Other Side of Midnight with Frank Morano
Overnight 1-5AM

Research Says This Is How You Should Sleep


© Hannah Morse + © Mandi Wright / USA TODAY NETWORK

(New York, NY) – Do you ever bed down in the buff? According to research, it could lead to better sleep. Bedding website Dreams, based out of the UK, tasked one of its researchers with answering the question: is sleeping naked better for you? According to Sammy Margo, a sleep expert and physiotherapist that works for Dreams, the answer is yes.

The main reason is temperature. Sleeping naked keeps you cooler, and that can help people fall asleep faster. Studies have shown the ideal bedroom temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees. Margo spoke to Metro and said “body temperature plays a crucial role in the timing of your sleep. It’s linked to your circadian rhythm — the internal body clock which controls your sleep-wake cycle. Falling into a deep sleep is linked to cooling your body, so allowing your body to cool down by sleeping naked can signal to you that it’s time to sleep.”

Cooling your body while sleeping has also been linked to reduced stress and anxiety as well as healthier skin. Experts say if sleeping naked isn’t an option — consider dropping a layer, like maybe sleeping in underwear without PJ bottoms or sweatpants. It might help you fall asleep faster, which is one of the main keys.

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