Cops say Long Island woman jabbed 17 year old with COVID 19 vaccine without parents permission

SEACLIFF, NEW YORK – (77WABC)- A Long Island woman is under arrest for giving the COVID 19 vaccine shot to a 17 teen year old on New Years Eve, without the consent of his parents. The 54-year-old
Uncovering the Truth – Web Poll: Do You Think Ashli Babbitt’s Murder Was Justified?
NYC officials prioritizing COVID-19 tests based on “race and inequity”

NEW YORK CITY (77WABC) – New York City health officials are reportedly prioritizing COVID-19 tests for minorities. Emails between Staten Island City Councilman Joe Borelli and a representative from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene indicate
NYC Mayor Adams calls 911 on first day in office

NEW YORK CITY (77WABC) – Mayor Eric Adams wasted no time getting to work on his first day in office. While heading to City Hall Saturday the mayor saw three men fighting on a street below and
Cousin Brucie wishing all his cousins a Happy New Year!

Kentucky under state of emergency, again slammed by storms.

HOPKINSVILLE, Ky. (AP) – Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has declared a state of emergency after yet another powerful storm caused flash floods, power outages and property damage, including from a possible tornado, on Saturday. There were