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Saturday Nights with Tony Orlando
Saturday 10PM-12AM

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Saturday Nights with Tony Orlando
Saturday 10PM-12AM

Immigrants separated at the border could be paid for psychological damage


A Mexican immigrant, in blue shirt, is embraced by his family members on the Rio Grande between Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, Texas during the 8th annual "Hugs not Walls" event which allowed Mexican immigrants with irregular status and unable to return to Mexico an opportunity to meet for a few minutes on the international border. Murosyabrazos1499

WASHINGTON D.C. (77WABC)- It appears immigrant families separated at the border could be getting a big fat check from uncle sam.

The Wall Street Journal reporting the Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration about $450,000 a person in compensation.

Many immigrants reportedly have launched lawsuits against the government, claiming to have suffered psychological damage.

The administration is considering payments possibly as high a $1 million a family.

However according to sources, many families would get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances.




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