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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Manhattan for Sat.’s Global Citizen Live in Central Park

 77WABC)-Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are in the Big Apple. The couple plans to join Global Citizen Live on the Great Lawn of Central Park in NYC  on Saturday, September 25th to continue their work with world leaders in pursuit of global vaccine equity, according to the international advocacy organization Global Citizen.

This morning, Prince Harry and his wife met with NY Governor Kathy Hochul and NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio at One World Observatory in Manhattan.

Global Citizen Live is part of the once-in-a-generation day of unity across seven continents, to be broadcast over 24 hours around the world.  Among the broadcast venues in the US are  Apple Music, Apple TV App, YouTube and Twitter  and ABC.

Also appearing as part of the global broadcast event are United Nations Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohammed, World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Executive Director of the World Food Programme David Beasley, Education Cannot Wait Director Yasmine SherifVivek Maru CEO of Namati, Rotary President-elect Jennifer Jones, SDG Champion and Advocate Eddie Ndopu, President of the Ford Foundation Darren Walker, President of the Paris Peace Forum Steering Committee Trisha Shetty, Hip Hop Caucus President and CEO Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., U.N. Next Generation fellow Valeria Colunga, advocate Eunice Akoth and more.

The once-in-a-generation day of global unity will call for:

  • The G7 and EU to share at least one billion COVID-19 vaccine doses immediately with those most in need, support the proposal to waive IP around the production of COVID-19 vaccines and other medical tools — backed by over 100 countries — and for Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna to share mRNA technology with the new WHO-backed mRNA technology transfer hub based in South Africa.
  • Wealthiest nations to deliver on their promise to give $100 billion annually to address the climate needs of developing countries. Only Germany, Norway and Sweden have been paying their fair share. The greatest shortfall in absolute terms is the US, which provides less funding than France, Germany, Japan or the United Kingdom – though its economy is larger than all of them combined.
  • US citizens to contact their representatives pressing for the passage of the largest climate protection bill in American history in order to set the US on track to at least halve emissions by 2030. Congress plans to vote on the bill the week of September 27th.
  • Businesses to help curb emissions through joining the Race to Zero and pledging 1 billion additional trees by 2022 in support of the ambition to conserve, restore and grow one trillion trees this decade.
  • The G7 and the world’s billionaires to end the hunger crisis by contributing at least $6 billion for the urgent provision of millions of meals for the 41 Million People on the brink of starvation.  

To learn more about the Global Citizen Live events on September 25 and to view health & safety information,  go to *All Global Citizen Live events comply with, and often exceed, the latest COVID-19 protocols.

Details about where and when to watch can be found at




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