Joey Chestnut Breaks His Own Record


BROOKLYN —– (77WABC) The undisputed king of Coney Island has done it again! Joey Chestnut has just won the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest for the 14th time by beating his own record by one wiener. His

Water Leak Causes Delays At JFK


JAMAICA, QUEENS—(77WABC) Normal operations have resumed at JFK Airport following a water leak that caused the FAA to hold most flights destined for the airport. The leak was reported in the main facility of the airport. Controllers

Macy’s Fireworks Show Returns Tonight


NEW YORK (WABC) — The traditional Macy’s Fourth of July fireworks show will return to New York City this year after the pandemic forced changes to the celebration in 2020. The fireworks will be launched from five barges in

Armed Service Members Sing For Independence Day

untitled-1-5 Happy Independence Day, America! July 4th is a day to reflect that common values, goals & challenges are things that make the United States great. And additionally any differences in them, make us greater. This stirring