Credit: Patrick Bernard/Pool/Abaca/Sipa USA
President Macron Meets With Locals – Martel
France (77WABC) – French President Emmanuel Macron was slapped in the face during a visit to a small town in southeast France on Tuesday.
WHAT HAPPENED pic.twitter.com/TViaNHc7gZ
— Greg Kelly (@gregkellyusa) June 8, 2021
According to the Associated Press, Macron’s office confirmed the incident after the video started to widely circulate on the internet. Macron can be seen greeting the public in the town of Tain-l’Hermitage after he visited a high school that is training students to work in hotels and restaurants.
The video then shows a man slapping Macron in the face before his bodyguards push the man away and rush Macron to safety. Two people are reported to have been detained by police in the incident. Macron continued his visit and has not commented on the situation.
"Il est inadmissible de s’attaquer physiquement au président de la République. Je suis la 1ère opposante à Emmanuel #Macron, mais il est le président : on peut le combattre politiquement, mais on ne peut pas se permettre à son égard la moindre violence." pic.twitter.com/AtUfpK4Uy2
— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) June 8, 2021
“It is inadmissible to physically attack the President of the Republic,” French Right-wing leader Marine Le Pen said in a translated Tweet. “I am the 1st opponent of Emmanuel #Macron , but he is the president: we can fight him politically, but we cannot allow the slightest violence towards him. “