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Common Sense with Bill O’Reilly
Weeknights 9-10PM

On Air Now

Common Sense with Bill O’Reilly
Weeknights 9-10PM

NYC’s Covid19 Rate Drops to an All-Time Low

New York, NY (77WABC)-NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio called NYC’s latest Covid19 positivity rate that he announced today “an extraordinary milestone.” The rate, 0.83%, is the lowest recorded to date since officials began tracking Covid19 rates in NYC’s five boroughs.  The Mayor credited New Yorkers for rolling up their sleeves and getting Covid19 vaccinations.

“This is a testament to New Yorkers for fighting through this crisis,” the Mayor said urging people to continue to get vaccinated, “let’s drive covid out of new york city once and for all.”

To date 8, 289, 469 people have been vaccinated against Covid19 in NYC’s five boroughs.


The Mayor announced another incentive to get a Covid-19 vaccination. Added to the long list of incentives, is a two-day “staycation” at a NYC hotel. The full list of incentives is available on the benefits page for


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