New York, NY (77WABC)-As announced earlier this week, NYC has in fact opted to change what is known as its “two-case” rule. The rule meant disruptions for in-person learning within the public school system when two or more cases of Covid were detected.
Under the “two-case” rule public schools were forced to shut down for at least 10 days for disinfection and contact tracing if two positive COVID-19 cases were detected. Educators and parents have voiced dissatisfaction with the disruptions.
NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio explained the changes for NYC’s 1700 public schools during his morning briefing:

Under the new plan, agreed to by the Federation of Teachers, one confirmed case of Covid 19 in a classroom means that the classroom will go virtual for ten days.
Should two or three cases of Covid-19 be detected within one week at a public school, Covid-19 testing will double to 40% “but not a closure” said Mayor DeBlasio.
In order for a public school to close for ten days, four or more cases of Covid-19 must be detected in one week in different classrooms and be traced to a known exposure in that particular school.
The Mayor was joined by NYC Public Schools Chancellor, Meisha Ross Porter. She said the policy change goes into effect on Monday. Porter said, “this consistency will do wonders for families, students, teachers, and principals.”
NYC Health Commissioner Dr. Dave Chokshi said Tuesday the Covid-19 positivity rate in public schools is very low at 0.57%.
Mayor DeBlasio also reminded parents that Friday, April 9th is the deadline to opt children into in-person learning at public schools.
You can hear a portion of the Chancellor’s comments during today’s briefing below:
The Schools Chancellor said over 65,000 Department of Education Personnel have received their Covid-19 vaccinations to date.