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Cousin Brucie’s Saturday Night Rock ‘n’ Roll Party
Saturday 6-10PM

On Air Now

Cousin Brucie’s Saturday Night Rock ‘n’ Roll Party
Saturday 6-10PM

Man attacked during BLM march, confronts NYPD for not getting involved

By Curtis Sliwa:

A white male on the street, who is initially watching the march go by, is confronted by a marcher.  He dismisses the marcher telling him “you are doing cosplay, enjoy your cosplay”.

One of the march leaders gets in the white man’s face at this point and asks him “what are you doing here?  are you marching in solidarity with black people?”  The white guy says sure thing and the leader says “get in, let’s ride” and the marchers continue moving on.

A little bit later another issue and again they want the white guy out of the area.  The guy retorts that “he asked me to march” referring to the march leader.  The black march leader tells the man “you’re lucky I didn’t murder you.  I could have broken your arm in 5 places.”

The group continues to get in the white man’s face when one of the female marchers overturns a newspaper machine and screams at the guy to go home.  “Walk your mutha f***ing ass through there.”  She then grabs his arm and starts to push him at which point another marcher grabs his other arm and they put him up against a building.  Then 4-5 other marchers join and begin to pummel the man as the NYPD looks on.

As the man gets away and starts walking toward the multitude of police he says “I am old enough to remember when there was a police department that would enforce an assault in NYC. I did nothing. You’re the f***ing police department, enforce the f***ing penal law!”


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