On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Mitt Romney has been up to no good and the media is smitten with Romney, whose political career has vacillated between moderate and liberal while calling himself a “severe conservative.” During the 2016 primary and general election, Romney was vicious toward President Trump yet went back to the President for support in his Senate run in Utah. Now, Romney is back and he’s blasting Trump again saying he might support the impeachment of Trump and he’s doing it publicly, while defending himself under the pseudonym, Pierre Delecto. Romney has been a perpetual disgrace to conservatives and a hero to R.I.N.O.’s. Then, Senator Ron Johnson made headlines this weekend but you wouldn’t know based on the reporting. Johnson is a fact witness because he sat in on the May meeting with Trump on Ukraine. Later, Mitch Mcconnell says the Senate Trial will be swift but some reports are indicating that John Roberts won’t allow him to be flippant about these roles as outlined in the Senate rules. The power to hold an impeachment trial resides in the Senate.
The Atlantic
The Liberation of Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney: Trump did some “not honorable” things
Exclusive: Mitt Romneys Trump indictment
Washington Post
‘Cest moi: Mitt Romney admits to running secret Twitter account under the alias ‘Pierre Delecto
The Hill
House rejects GOP measure censuring Schiff
John Roberts Wont Let Mitch McConnell Derail a Trump Impeachment Trial
The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.
Image used with permission of Getty Images / Mark Wilson